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Kid's Crafts Ideas: Movie Crafts for Kids
Why are movie kid's crafts ideas a good idea? Well, we all know how kids are, when they find a movie that they love, they like to watch it over and over again. Sometimes tearing them away from the TV screen seems like a lost cause, even though they have already watched the same thing dozens of times. Is there any hope?
You've heard the expression "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." That doesn't mean you have to subject yourself to the dreaded movie yet again, though. If you can find a way to incorporate their beloved film masterpiece into a craft, it won't be so hard to get them to stop watching it and do something constructive.
Here are some kid's crafts ideas that you can do together:
1. Make clay figurines of your child's favorite characters from the movie:
Simply get some clay, model them, let them dry, and paint with acrylic paints. If you don't have any clay handy, use Play-Doh. It works nicely as well, and your child won't have to paint it.
2. Create scrapbook pages based on the movie:
Have your child cut pictures of characters and scenes out of magazines, coloring books, and anywhere else she can find them. Arrange them on card stock, add stickers and other embellishments, and have your child do some journaling about her favorite things about the movie to add to the page. When it's done, add it to a scrapbook or frame it and place it on your child's bedroom wall.
3. If your child has dolls or action figures of the movie's characters, maybe she would enjoy making a backdrop of a favorite scene for them:
A large boot box works well for this project. She can either draw directly in the bottom of it, or cut card stock to size and glue it in there. You may have to glue two pieces together to get it to fit just right. She can use crayons or markers to draw the scene, and add stickers or gems. She might even want to make trees and other props out of clay or Play-Doh. When she's not playing with it, the boot box can double as storage for her dolls.
4. Make clothing that features favorite characters:
Your child can use fabric paint to do freehand artwork pertaining to the movie, or you can find iron-on patterns that he can use paint to color in. You might also be able to find buttons and other embellishments that you can add to the piece. Older kids might enjoy learning how to sew using fabric that features the movie logo or characters.
Kids can really get wrapped up in their favorite movies. But when they get the opportunity to create something related to their well loved movies, they often enjoy doing these crafts. These movie kid's crafts ideas can help you get your child off the couch and get creative. My little granddaughter simply love doing any kid's crafts ideas from her well love "Barbie" movies, I'm convinced your kids will love them as well.
For more Fun Kids Crafts visit our site "Fun Kids Crafts"
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