Monday, November 17, 2008

Easy Kids Crafts - Toilet Roll Binoculars

Easy Kids Crafts - Toilet Roll Binoculars

This is one of our Easy Kids Crafts that are for the really little kids. It is easy and requires very little supplies.

What you need for this easy kids crafts:

  • 2 Empty toilet rolls

  • Glue
  • String
  • Paint
  • Paint brush
  • Instrument to make a hole with

How to do this easy kids craft:

  1. Paint both the toilet rolls black
  2. Let them dry completely
  3. Paste them together to form your binoculars
  4. Make holes at the top and outside of the toilet rolls
  5. Attach the string to go around the child's neck

That's it, and I promise you, this is one of our Easy Kids Crafts that my little granddaughter of five enjoyed very much when they made them at school. Use the opportunity to explain how real binoculars work and have a pretend play where they go bird watching with their "binoculars"

Here are some resources where you can find more fun and easy kids crafts. Have a look, and download, access is instant!

Fun Kids Crafts

101 Kid Summer Activities

Kid's Party Crafts And Games

Little Kid Crafts for All Seasons

Creative Playdough Ideas For Kids

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute! Fun, inexpensive and easy to do.